The Agency for Agricultural Payments and Interventions (APIA) reports that on October 26, 2023, the period for submitting applications for emergency support for the cereals and oilseeds sector has concluded.
Potential beneficiaries have submitted a total of 200,611 applications for assistance with a total value of 275.4 million Romanian Lei to the APIA Centers within whose territorial jurisdiction the single payment application for the year 2022 was submitted.
The state aid payment will be made by December 31, 2023.
Exceptional support is granted in the form of a grant, considering that it represents the value for a unit quantity of 78 liters/hectare of diesel fuel and that in determining the total support value, 50% of the quantity resulting from multiplying the number of eligible hectares by the value of 78 liters/hectare of diesel fuel is used.
The amount is 2 Lei per liter of diesel fuel for a total quantity of 152,458,321.08 liters of diesel fuel corresponding to corn/barley/sunflower/rapeseed crops.
Legislation: Government Decision No. 845/2023 regarding the granting of emergency support for the cereals and oilseeds sector.