The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the General Directorate for Rural Development, as the Managing Authority for the National Rural Development Program (PNDR), has published for public consultation, for a period of 10 calendar days from the date of publication on the website, the Applicant's Guide for Measure 4.1 Investments in Agricultural Holdings, component 4.1.1, within the PNDR 2020 framework.
The upcoming session to be launched in the coming period is dedicated to Funding Applications submitted by farmers and their associative forms for the plant sector.
The support provided through this package of the measure's component will contribute to improving the performance of agricultural holdings by increasing the competitiveness of agricultural activities, diversifying agricultural activities, and improving the quality of the products obtained, restructuring small and medium-sized holdings and transforming them into commercial holdings, as well as encouraging the development of associative forms.
We specify that, within this session, projects classified as acquisitions of agricultural machinery for sugar beet cultivation will benefit from separate allocation.
The Guide can be consulted both on the official website of MADR, www.madr.ro, Rural Development section, and on the website of the Agency for Rural Investment Financing, www.afir.ro.
All interested parties can submit proposals or observations regarding the documents under discussion to the email address [email protected]. (Photo: Dreamstime)