In the Government session on June 21, 2024, an Emergency Ordinance was approved to amend OUG no. 7/2024 regarding the approval of the state aid scheme "Farmer's Credit," in the context of the crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as to amend Law no. 218/2005 concerning the stimulation of the absorption of funds allocated to Romania for agriculture, rural development, fisheries, and maritime affairs, managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), through financial guarantee and credit instruments, and to support national agricultural policy objectives.
The European Commission adopted the amendment of the Temporary Crisis Framework for state aid measures to support the economy as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, extending until December 31, 2024, the possibility for member states to grant state aid in the form of grants funded by the national budget for beneficiaries in the primary agricultural production sector.
Thus, through this normative act, the state aid scheme is extended by postponing the deadline for concluding financing agreements until December 31, 2024, and the deadline for grant payments until December 31, 2030. The state aid scheme's budget is increased by 646 million lei (from 815.5 million lei to a maximum of 1,461.5 million lei).
In the context of extending the Temporary Crisis Framework for state aid measures to support the economy due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, it was also necessary to correspondingly modify the deadline for aid payments to farmers under the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 13/2024, which establishes a state aid scheme for partially compensating losses in tomato cultivation in protected spaces and garlic cultivation.
It should be noted that through this state aid scheme, MADR covers the interest component representing the ROBOR 3-month rate, granted for a maximum period of 60 months, without exceeding the nominal amount established by the financing agreement, but not more than the lei equivalent of 280,000 euros per beneficiary.