The Agency for Financing Rural Investments has launched the first rounds of funding applications for agricultural investments and rural infrastructure development with funds available through the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 (CAP 2027).
The submission period for projects funded through actions DR 27 - Creation/modernization of agricultural access infrastructure and DR 28 - Creation/modernization of basic rural road infrastructure is from November 2, 2023, to February 29, 2024. The financial allocation for DR 27 is 100,000,000 euros, and for DR 28, funds amount to 200,988,235 euros.
"Funds granted for the construction, extension, and modernization of agricultural roads to farms under DR-27, as well as for the construction, extension, and modernization of local road networks under DR-28, are 100% non-reimbursable, and the maximum amount awarded for a project is 1,000,000 euros. For young farmers, funding through DR-30 is also 100% non-reimbursable.
These funds can be accessed by farmers acting in their own name and organized as micro-enterprises or small enterprises (e.g., sole proprietorship, individual enterprise, individual enterprise). Legal entities where a young farmer installs and effectively controls the decision-making related to farm management can also access DR-30. The support value that a young farmer can obtain is 70,000 euros," said George CHIRIȚĂ, General Director of AFIR.
Please note that the minimum project selection threshold is 40 points for DR-27 and 30 points for DR-28 and DR-30. Additionally, the monthly quality threshold for the first submission stage (November 2023) is 90 points for DR-27 and DR-28 and 85 points for DR-30. Quality thresholds gradually decrease each month to the minimum threshold.