Plants culture


APIA authorized the payment of over 47.7 million lei for ANT – Plant sector



"We approved the Order for the unblocking of payments for eco-schemes in the vegetable sector PD - 04, PD - 05, PD - 06 and the intervention in the livestock sector PD -25" is the message sent to farmers by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Florin Ionuț BARBU.

The Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA) informs that it has authorized the payment of 223,285 beneficiaries of Transitional National Aid (ANT) in the vegetable sector, Campaign 2023, with a total amount of 47,778,630.06 lei, as follows:

839,224.73 lei from the National Budget (BN);

455,102.65 lei from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA).

"The computer system is ready, from today we authorize the greening of PD - 04, ANT9 and PD - 25. The emergency payment of the Transitional National Aid is a priority on my work agenda", said APIA General Director Cornel TURCESCU.

We remind you that the payments for the plant sector ANT - Campaign 2023 are made in lei, at the exchange rate of 4.9735 lei for one euro, established by the European Central Bank on September 29, 2023 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union, series C, no. 3 of October 2, 2023.

APIA will continue at an accelerated pace the authorization to pay the Transitional National Aids in the vegetable sector until the competition of the ceiling allocated for the application year 2023. The payment is made according to the provisions of Government Decision no. 125 of 16.02.2024, respectively 88,126,943 thousand euros, a ceiling provided by the state budget, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR).




