

APIA issues certificates for the beneficiaries of the 2024 campaign




The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) announces that starting from today, May 9, 2024, it will issue certificates for beneficiaries of various measures and interventions implemented by APIA. These include Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS), Complementary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS), Measure 10 - Agri-environment and climate, Measure 11 - Organic farming, DR-01 - Agri-environment and climate on permanent grasslands, DR-02 - Agri-environment and climate on arable land, DR-04 - Organic farming - conversion, DR-05 - Organic farming - maintaining certification, DR-09 - Areas affected by natural constraints - Mountain Area (ANC_ZM), DR-10 - Areas affected by significant natural constraints, and DR-11 - Areas affected by specific natural constraints.

According to the agreements, upon the written request of the farmer, APIA issues a certificate confirming that they have submitted the Payment Request for the year 2024, requesting funding for the indicated measures and interventions.

The certificate confirms, at the date of its issuance, the determined area for payment for the interventions and measures covered by the agreement with banking and non-banking institutions, that administrative control has been performed, or data has been taken from the closed application in the IPA online application and registered in IACS, as the case may be, regarding the beneficiary's payment request and eligibility for the interventions and measures implemented by APIA provided in the Agreement.

The issued certificate also certifies that the beneficiary is not subject to payment exclusions and meets the general conditions for granting the due amounts in accordance with current legislation.

The loan amount can be up to 90% of the amount calculated according to the certificate issued by APIA.

The Rural Credit Guarantee Fund IFN - SA (FGCR) and the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises IFN - SA (FNGCIMM) guarantee loans granted by banks to farmers.

We remind farmers that according to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development no. 50/2017, which amends the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development no. 703/2013, approving the conditions under which agreements will be concluded between financial-banking and non-banking institutions and APIA to finance the current activities of beneficiaries of payments managed by our institution based on the issued certificates, the interest rate for granting loans will be RON-ROBOR 6M + maximum 2%.

Regarding the fees charged by funding institutions, APIA advises farmers who wish to access loans for working capital to carefully analyze the proposed financing solutions from financial-banking and non-banking institutions concerning their costs, to choose the financing methods that best meet their own needs.

To facilitate communication, protect the environment, and reduce administrative burdens, farmers can request the issuance of certificates by submitting a request electronically to APIA Centers.




