

APIA is receiving annual applications for aid in the livestock sector




The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) informs that until December 15, 2023, inclusive, initial annual applications for state aid in the livestock sector for the year 2024 are to be submitted to the County Centers of the Agency or the Bucharest Municipality where the applicant's registered office is located. These applications must be approved by the National Zootechnical Association (ANZ).

The maximum values of the aid are:

  • For the services of establishing and maintaining the genealogical register of the breed: a) 60 lei/head for animals of the bovine, buffalo, and equine species; b) 35 lei/head for animals of the ovine and caprine species; c) 100 lei/head for animals of the porcine species.
  • For the services of determining the genetic quality of animal breeds: a) 140 lei/head for testing the performance of milk production and 60 lei/head for testing meat production for animals of the bovine and buffalo species; b) 35 lei/head for testing the performance of milk production, 35 lei/head for meat production, 30 lei/head for wool production for fine wool breeds, and 36 lei/head for fur production for animals of the ovine and caprine species.

Additional information regarding the necessary documents for submitting applications is presented in the Annex.

National Legislation:

Emergency Ordinance no. 61/2023 regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme in the livestock sector.


The annual initial application for the provision of services for establishing and maintaining the genealogical register, completed by service providers, shall be accompanied by the following documents:

a) Proof that the applicant is a legal entity (copy of the Unique Registration Code/Certificate of Incorporation);

b) Accreditation of the applicant for the provision of services for establishing and maintaining the genealogical register/recognition as the applicant's breeding society for the purpose of carrying out a breeding program with purebred animals registered in the genealogical register conducted or established by it, and the decision approving the program(s) of improvement carried out for the breed(s) for which state aid is requested, issued by ANZ;

c) The list of micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises benefiting from the service of establishing and maintaining genealogical registers, endorsed by ANZ, including: the enterprise's name, address, Unique Registration Code/Certificate of Incorporation/Personal Identification Number, as applicable, CAEN code, the unique identification number of the enterprise at the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA), the contract number for services concluded between the provider and the beneficiary, the breed and the number of animals subject to the services, the number of employees and turnover, and, in the case of new enterprises, "newly established enterprise" shall be mentioned;

d) Copy of the contract between the holder of the genealogical register and the service provider for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, or the third party designated in the approved breeding program, if different from the holder of the genealogical register, indicating the contributions of the parties to achieving the objectives of the breeding program;

e) The list of activities, including works and their rates, for the application year, endorsed by ANZ.

f) Copy of the producer certificate, in the case of individual beneficiaries;

g) A statement under one's own responsibility indicating whether or not the right to deduct VAT is exercised.

The annual initial application for state aid to provide services for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, completed by service providers for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, shall be accompanied by the following documents:

a) Proof that the applicant is a legal entity (copy of the Unique Registration Code/Certificate of Incorporation);

b) Accreditation of the applicant for providing services for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds or authorization as a third party for performance testing, issued by ANZ;

c) The list of micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises benefiting from the service of determining the genetic quality or genetic yield of the livestock, endorsed by ANZ, including: the enterprise's name, address, Unique Registration Code/Certificate of Incorporation/Personal Identification Number, as applicable, CAEN code, the unique identification number of the enterprise at APIA, the contract number for services concluded between the provider and the beneficiary, the breed and the number of animals subject to the services, the number of employees and turnover, and, in the case of new enterprises, "newly established enterprise" shall be mentioned;

d) Copy of the contract between the holder of the genealogical register and the service provider for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, or the third party designated in the approved breeding program, if different from the holder of the genealogical register, indicating the contributions of the parties to achieving the objectives of the breeding program;

e) The list of activities, including works and their rates, for the application year, endorsed by ANZ.

f) Copy of the producer certificate, in the case of individual beneficiaries;

g) A statement under one's own responsibility indicating whether or not the right to deduct VAT is exercised.

The documents for both applications will bear the phrase "conform cu originalul" (conforming to the original), endorsed by the applicant's signature, and will serve as the basis for entering/verifying data in the electronic state aid management applications and for conducting subsequent administrative checks.




