

Cadastre with European funds in 91 municipalities




The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) will sign contracts in the near future for the complete cadastration of 91 communes.

The systematic registration of properties in the integrated cadastre and land register system is being carried out under the National Cadastre and Land Book Program (PNCCF) and is free of charge for citizens.

Funding will be provided from non-reimbursable European funds through the Smart Growth, Digitalization, and Financial Instruments Program (PCIDIF) 2021-2027.

ANCPI, an institution under the authority of the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDLPA), has completed the open tender procedure for the acquisition of systematic registration services in the Integrated Cadastre and Land Book System for properties in 92 administrative-territorial units (ATU) from 26 counties.

Starting today, ANCPI is signing service contracts for the 91 lots (representing 91 communes) awarded following the tender. These cover over 325,000 hectares, with a total value of approximately 141 million lei.

Currently, out of the 660 communes benefiting from European funds for the systematic registration of properties in cadastre and land register records, 102 have been fully cadastral, and systematic registration works are underway in another 455 ATUs.

ANCPI is the beneficiary of the Major Project "Increasing the Coverage and Inclusion of the Property Registration System in Rural Areas of Romania," which complements the PNCCF objective by conducting cadastre works for 5,758,314 hectares in 660 rural ATUs in Romania. The total value of the project is 312,891,155 euros.

For more information about the project "Increasing the Coverage and Inclusion of the Property Registration System in Rural Areas of Romania," you can visit: http://www.ancpi.ro/index.php/proiecte-3/por-2014-2020.




