Here's what ANZM specialists recommend regarding vegetables to sow or plant in April (which may vary depending on the region and agro-meteorological conditions):
- April 1-10: summer radishes, zucchinis, early potatoes, spinach, bell peppers, tomato seedlings, dill, early cabbage varieties;
- April 10-20: summer radishes, zucchinis, baking pumpkins, spinach, sweet corn, dill, planting mid-early cabbage varieties, planting tomatoes and bell peppers;
- April 20-30: beetroots, cucumbers, baking pumpkins, zucchinis, beans, sweet corn, dill, planting mid-early cabbage varieties, planting tomatoes and bell peppers.
Until mid-April, you can also plant in the garden:
- Root vegetables (carrots, parsley, parsnips) in rows, spaced 25 cm apart; lettuce, spinach;
- Late pea varieties, red beets, and onion seeds are sown;
Starting from mid-April:
- Planting cabbage, kohlrabi, and cauliflower;
- Sowing pre-sprouted potatoes, with 70 cm between rows and 30-40 cm between hills, at a depth of 10 cm;
- Sowing beans, cucumbers, watermelons, and zucchinis;
- Red beets can still be sown, with 30 cm between rows;
- Planting eggplants with a distance of 40 cm between rows and hills;
- Sowing sweet corn;
- At the end of the month, early tomato and bell pepper seedlings can be planted.
Pay attention to sowing!
Good combinations: carrots-peas sown alternately; onion-carrot sown alternately; onion-red beet-turnip; early potato-peas; potato-beans or radish with beans;
Bad combinations: onion-garlic; carrot-parsley; pea-beans; cucumber-potato. (Photo: Dreamstime)