Corteva Agriscience recently registered the first product in its biologicals range - Utrisha™ N, a cutting-edge UNIQUE product.
Utrisha™ N is a biostimulant designed to enhance plant nutrition, based on the naturally occurring bacterium Methylobacter symbioticum. Utrisha™ N is recognized by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) and authorized for use in certified organic production, food processing, and handling.
How Utrisha N Works:
Utrisha™ N enables plant tissues to go beyond their role as consumers and become a constant source of nitrogen for plants, promoting nitrogen absorption from the air.
Methylobacter symbioticum penetrates the plant through the stomata on green tissues and rapidly colonizes the entire plant to convert nitrogen from the atmosphere (N2) into a form available to plants (NH4+)*. This allows Utrisha™ N to deliver nitrogen directly to the actively growing parts of plants, eliminating the risk of applying nitrogen at inappropriate stages and negative effects on the environment and plant phytotoxicity.
Methylobacter symbioticum is a bacterium that survives and multiplies by feeding on methanol, a by-product of normal plant vegetative growth. Thus, the nitrogen supply is linked to the plant's needs.
How to Use:
Utrisha™ N is applied in the morning when stomata are open, and the plant is healthy and actively growing, unaffected by environmental stress factors. The application rate is 333g/ha, up to 500g/ha, depending on the crop used, and the water chlorine content should not exceed 2ppm. Immediately after one hour of application, Utrisha™ N is absorbed into the plant, thus being protected from accidental washing in case of precipitation.
Advantages of Utrisha™ N:
Benefits of Using Utrisha™ N:
Utrisha™ N is a natural product, and therefore, to achieve the expected results, it must be used strictly following the label.
Results from 2022 and 2023 worldwide have shown that Utrisha™ N is the solution for a sustainable future in modern agriculture, which makes the product currently used on millions of hectares, just one year after its launch.
For more details, please visit the Corteva website.
(Article written by: Adrian Ionescu Category Marketing Manager Fungicides, Insecticides & Biologicals Corteva Romania & Moldova.)
Biologicals_ UtrishaN_Stimulatorsioptimizatorsintetichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHYf87iUdrc&list=PLJH446RiTipbWoiPZE35ppQeR4TJIluMo&index=119
UtrishaN_Recomandari de utilizarehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqwOL85TQCE&list=PLJH446RiTipbWoiPZE35ppQeR4TJIluMo&index=136 Utrisha N Biologicals_ Key Benefits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEFwzZoJm8c&list=PLJH446RiTipbWoiPZE35ppQeR4TJIluMo&index=137
Utrisha N_ Biologicalshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ri_YA1kgvk&list=PLJH446RiTipbWoiPZE35ppQeR4TJIluMo&index=138