

Working meeting of Minister Florin BARBU with representatives of the plant sector




The Minister of Agriculture, Florin-Ionuț BARBU, had a meeting with representatives of the main associative forms in the plant sector to discuss the challenges faced by farmers.

Among the issues raised during the meeting were: risk management, derogation for neonicotinoids, access to credit, the Lease Law, investments in irrigation infrastructure, reorganization of the Ministry of Agriculture and its subordinate institutions, regulation of the anti-hail system, labeling of agri-food products, and digitalization in agriculture.

The minister reviewed the farmers' demands from the protests earlier this year, analyzing the implementation status of each request, and establishing the subsequent steps to be taken to complete all the objectives assumed through the minutes.

The official of the Ministry of Agriculture expressed openness to constant dialogue with representatives of the associative environment, assuring them of his and the ministry's support.

Minister Florin-Ionuț BARBU assured the farmers that he will continue to advocate at the Council of Ministers in Brussels for the increase of the Common Agricultural Policy budget and the level of direct payments, the simplification of environmental conditionalities, given the difficult economic context, the eligibility of purchasing breeding animals, and the continuation of the derogation for neonicotinoids.

Florin BARBU provided the members of the agricultural sector associations with specific answers, noting that dialogue with farmers allows the Ministry of Agriculture to develop and implement beneficial programs and strategies for Romanian agriculture.

Alongside the minister were the state secretary Violeta MUȘAT and the heads of the technical departments from the Ministry of Agriculture. (Photo: Ministry of Agriculture)




