

MADR amended the Order on payments through FEGA




The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) announces the modification of the Minister's Order approving the unit amount of direct payments related to payment requests submitted in 2023, financed from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund through interventions within the PAC Strategic Plan (PS PAC) 2023-2027.

The remaining amount of 5,588,556 euros at the level of interventions targeting coupled support in the plant sector, after establishing the maximum amount provided in the PS for under-accessed interventions, is reallocated to the interventions targeting over-accessed coupled plant support, ensuring the unit amount established at the PS PAC level through this transfer.

Regarding the eco-schemes in the livestock sector, the established amount is currently at the maximum level provided in the programming document.

As for the level of coupled support in livestock, after determining the final number of eligible animals and dividing the existing budget at the level of each intervention, the final amounts have increased, with farmers set to receive the difference between the newly established amounts and those set at the 2023 level by OMADR 481/2023.

Moreover, approximately one million euros remaining available at the level of interventions targeting coupled plant support have been redistributed to PD 24 – Coupled Income Support – Sheep and Goats, to ensure an amount as close as possible to the unit amount planned in the PS.

The Order provides for the reallocation of 4,857,841.70 euros related to Eco-schemes PD-05-PD-08 to PD - 03 Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers.




