

MADR has not issued free movement agreements for agricultural products from Ukraine




Considering the information circulating in the public domain regarding the import of cereals from Ukraine and for the correct information of the public opinion, below are the data centralized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, based on the information provided by ANSVSA and the Romanian Customs Authority.

We specify that MADR has not issued any import licenses for agricultural products originating from Ukraine, regulated by Emergency Ordinance no. 84/2023 regarding the establishment of a mechanism for consultation and coordinated reaction in the context of the implementation of the export authorization system introduced by Ukraine for agricultural products, until February 20, 2024.

We remind that in the Government meeting of October 12, 2023, the emergency ordinance regarding the establishment of a mechanism for consultation and coordinated reaction in the context of the implementation of the export authorization system introduced by Ukraine for agricultural products was adopted.

The adopted regulatory act establishes temporary measures for the establishment of a market placement agreement in the context of the implementation of the export authorization system introduced by Ukraine for agricultural products, in order to mitigate the immediate negative repercussions in the primary production and processing sector.

The agricultural products subject to import regulated by the invoked act are: wheat and spelt, corn, rapeseed or wild rapeseed seeds, even crushed, sunflower seeds, even crushed. The regulatory act was supplemented in December 2023, with flour and sugar being added to the list of products that can be imported from Ukraine only based on a license.

Considering that MADR has not issued any import licenses for products originating from Ukraine until now, according to the current legislation, from the beginning of 2024 until now, no imports of cereals originating from Ukraine have been made in Romania.

We remind that on May 2, 2023, the European Commission adopted exceptional and temporary preventive measures regarding the prohibition of imports of cereals from Ukraine, applicable in five member states, including Romania.

Thus, the quantities of cereals imported into Romania in May and June 2023 were deliveries made based on contracts concluded before May 2, 2023. (Photo: Freepik)




