

MADR: Don't forget, submit the Payment Request!




The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA), reminds that the deadline for submitting Payment Requests for the 2024 Campaign is June 7th, inclusive, in accordance with the provisions of the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) no. 127/03.04.2024 regarding the approval of the standard form of the payment request for the year 2024.

NEWS in the 2024 Campaign:

  • The deadline for submitting Payment Requests is June 7, 2024.
  • Unlike previous campaigns, there is no late submission period with penalties in the 2024 Campaign.
  • After the submission deadline, farmers must notify APIA in writing of any changes to the data declared in the payment request and supporting documents within 15 days of the change.
  • If the payment request includes interventions in the livestock sector, the applicant must first contact the APIA officer to complete the livestock sector declaration and then complete the surface request through the IPA-Online internet application.
  • Farmers who do not carry out agricultural activities are not eligible for payment for non-compliant areas/animals.
  • Farmers and other beneficiaries who receive direct payments or annual payments through direct payment interventions and rural development interventions funded by European funds must comply with conditionality rules across the entire agricultural holding (including ineligible ones and those no longer used for production) throughout the year of application.
  • As every year, APIA supports farmers throughout the Campaign, providing all the necessary assistance for successfully completing the steps required to access European and state budget funds.

Detailed information can be found at APIA Centers and on the website: www.apia.org.ro.




