Plants culture


Over 274 million lei authorized for payment for the grain and oilseed sector



The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) announces the completion of the authorization for the emergency support payment in the cereals and oilseeds sector for 199,421 beneficiaries, with a total value of 274,057,212 lei, equivalent to 55,381,013.95 euros. This amount is distributed as follows:

  1. Non-repayable external funding from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) provided to the Romanian state: 115,286.60 lei, equivalent to 29,728,669.05 euros.
  2. Funding from the state budget through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the year 2023, under the chapter 83.01 "Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Hunting," title 40 Subsidies, article 40.15 "Support for Agricultural Producers": 941,925.40 lei, equivalent to 25,652,344.90 euros.

The scheme representing exceptional support in the form of a grant aims to compensate agricultural producers in the plant sector for economic losses caused by increased imports of cereals and oilseeds from Ukraine. It represents the amount granted to them, expressed in lei, for the areas determined following administrative and on-site checks related to crops with corn, barley, rapeseed, and sunflower from the single payment applications submitted in 2022.

It is worth mentioning that the beneficiaries of this scheme are agricultural producers, regardless of their organizational form, who submitted a single payment application in 2022 for a determined area of at least 1 hectare under the national transitional aid 1, for one or more of the crops mentioned above. They also submitted, by the deadline in 2023, a payment request for interventions in the plant sector.

For the schematization of the calculation of exceptional grant support, at 2 lei/liter, it is considered that this represents a value related to a unit quantity of 78 liters/ha of diesel fuel, and in determining the total value of the support, 50% of the quantity resulting from multiplying the number of eligible hectares by the value of 78 liters/ha of diesel fuel is used.

The amounts granted as emergency support are not subject to forced execution through garnishment if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against the beneficiaries.

According to the current legislation, the payment of state aid is made by December 31, 2023. However, APIA is making every effort for the beneficiaries to receive the funds in their accounts in the immediate period thereafter.

Legislation: Government Decision No. 845/2023 on granting emergency support for the cereals and oilseeds sector.




