

Payments of over 80 million euros made by APIA and AFIR




The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) made payments for the 2023 application year totaling 333,712,555.81 lei (67,110,538.76 euros), as follows:

  • 320,986,417.16 lei (64,539,341.94 euros) from the National Budget (NB);
  • 10,118,052.05 lei (2,044,257.41 euros) from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD);
  • 2,006,042.44 lei (405,302.04 euros) co-financing from the National Budget (NB1);
  • 602,044.16 lei (121,637.37 euros) from the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI).

The interventions paid are related to the National Transitional Aid - ANT vegetal (ANT 1, 4, 6, and ANT 9) and ANT livestock (ANTZ 7 and ANT 8), Measure 10 (Packages 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and Package 9 variant 9.2.1), Measure 11 (Sub-measure 11.1 – Packages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Sub-measure 11.2 – Packages 1, 3, 4, 5), and Measure 13 (Sub-measures 13.1 and 13.3).

For the 2023 Campaign, payments for interventions funded by EAGF and NB are made in lei, at the exchange rate of 4.9735 lei/euro, and payments for measures/interventions funded by EAFRD at the exchange rate of 4.9495 lei/euro.

Regarding the payments made by AFIR from EAFRD, these amount to over 13 million euros for animal welfare.

The beneficiaries of the European funds granted through the Agency for Financing Rural Investments received non-refundable funds totaling 13.26 million euros. Payments were made by AFIR in the tranches from May 8 and 9, 2024, for the reimbursement of expenses related to intervention DR-06 Animal Welfare.

Thus, AFIR paid 6.7 million euros to farmers who benefited from payments for pig welfare (DR-06 Package A), and 6.56 million euros to farmers who requested compensatory payments for poultry welfare (DR-06 Package B).

Of the total amount paid by AFIR into the farmers' accounts, 11.27 million euros come from EAFRD – the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and the difference of 1.99 million euros represents the contribution from the National Budget.




