Plants culture


Priorities in spring work



According to tradition, it is said that in spring, everything freezes at night, while it thaws during the day. This "malice" of the period is linked to the end of winter and the beginning of spring because it is at the crossroads between these two seasons.

Moreover, in folklore, it is believed that if there are no snowstorms and blizzards, they will appear at Easter.

For farmers, this period is not a time of rest either, so they place orders for inputs, prepare their machinery for spring sowing, or, for those who did not complete their work in autumn, plowing can be done during the winter windows, as specified by ANZM specialists referring to agricultural activities.

Field crops

During this period, the supply of seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides necessary for the technological phases of agricultural crops is carried out.

Farm machinery is prepared for the spring campaign (tractors, plows, harrows, mowers or brush cutters, seeders, herbicide equipment, fertilizer distribution equipment);

Seed analysis, conditioning, and treatment are carried out;

If the weather is warm and water puddles appear, the water is drained by creating drainage channels.

(Photo: Freepik)




