The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has posted on its website, under the "Decisional Transparency" section, a draft Government Decision proposing the extension of tomato marketing until July 15, 2023, inclusively.
It should be noted that currently, the marketing of tomato production for those enrolled in the Program was supposed to be completed by June 30, 2023.
This measure was taken considering the requests from vegetable growers' representatives, who cited a delay in the tomato fruiting period due to fluctuating temperatures in the spring of 2023.
Additionally, the proposal includes changing the deadline for submitting supporting documents to the county agricultural directorates until July 18, 2023, inclusively.
According to the information provided by the county agricultural directorates, as of this date, only around 65% of the enrolled growers have marketed their production.
Thus, in order for all those enrolled in the program to have the opportunity to capitalize on the production made, the present GD project was developed, which can be consulted here: https://www.madr.ro/proiecte-de-acte-normative/8315-proiect -extension-hg-tomato.html