Plants culture


The "minimis aid for potato production" scheme was published in decisional transparency



The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) has posted a draft decision on decision-making transparency for the approval of the "Minimis Aid Scheme for Supporting Potato Production" in 2024. The draft legislative act aims to provide minimis aid to support potato production for the year 2024 under the Potato Production Support Program.

The total allocated amount is valued at 11,483,880 lei, equivalent to a maximum of 2,309,010 euros, and the maximum amount of minimis aid of 200 euros/ha is granted proportionally to the actual cultivated area.

To obtain financial support, beneficiaries must use a cultivated area with potatoes of at least 0.3 ha, and achieve a minimum yield of 15 tons/ha, of which at least 6 tons/ha must be marketed by no later than November 18 of the application year.

The beneficiaries can be from the following categories: individual agricultural producers, individual agricultural producers authorized persons, individual enterprises and family enterprises, agricultural producers in agricultural societies, and legal entities agricultural producers.

Applications for enrollment in the program must be submitted from the date of entry into force of the legislative act until no later than May 20 of the application year. The production must be marketed by no later than November 18 of the application year.

For enrollment in the Program, the following supporting documents must be submitted: copies of daily fiscal closure reports / fiscal receipts / invoices / pages from the sales register until November 20 of the application year.

Field verifications are carried out by the County Agriculture Directorates (DAJ) and the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA), at least 10 days before harvest, based on notifications from applicants for minimis aid. (Photo: Freepik)

The draft can be consulted by accessing the following link: Link to MADR website




