The submission of applications for the direct grant intended for agricultural producers in the plant sector will take place at the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) from January 29 to March 8, 2024, inclusive.
This measure is implemented in accordance with Government Ordinance no. 5/2024 regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme to support enterprises operating in the primary production of plant agricultural products, following Russia's aggression against Ukraine.
Therefore, applications are to be submitted at the local/county branches of APIA, including the one in Bucharest, within whose territorial area the payment request for the year 2023 was filed.
All submitted applications will undergo analysis by APIA specialists to determine eligibility for the support intended for agricultural producers in the plant sector.
The direct grant represents a compensatory payment per hectare and is equivalent to 100 euros/hectare, at the exchange rate of 4.9334 lei/euro. The maximum value of the direct grant awarded per beneficiary enterprise cannot exceed the equivalent of 280,000 euros in lei.
The total financial resources are 1,200,000,000 lei, equivalent to 243,239,956 euros, provided from the state budget through the MADR budget for the year 2024.
The payment of state aid is to be made by June 30, 2024.
Additional information regarding the beneficiaries, eligibility conditions, documents accompanying the application for state aid, and the Applicant's Guide can be found published on the APIA website: https://apia.org.ro/grant-direct-destinat-producatorilor-agricoli-din-domeniul-productiei-primare-de-produse-agricole-vegetale-ca-urmare-a-agresiunii-rusiei-impotriva-ucrainei/.
Beneficiaries of the scheme include: