

Requests for funding from European funds of over 1 billion for agriculture




The funds available for investments in the conditioning, storage, and processing of agricultural and horticultural products, financed through DR-22 intervention of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 (CAP SP 2027), have been fully allocated through the online applications submitted on the official website of the Rural Investment Financing Agency during this period.

The requests submitted by processors exceed 1 billion euros. More precisely, processors have submitted 428 funding requests totaling 1.13 billion euros (1,130,478,541 euros) on the website www.afir.ro, during the open session for DR-22, from December 20, 2023, to February 5, 2024, with an allocation of 210.3 million euros.

"I am pleased with the very high interest shown by processors in this measure from the Strategic Plan. Romania needs processing, I have said it every time, and I will repeat it on every occasion. Within the DR-22 intervention, the funding value granted can reach up to 10 million euros for each project establishing processing units for the fruit and vegetable sectors, milling industry, oil, and compound feed.

The fact that the success of the INVESTALIM Program is mirrored by the interest shown by processors in this investment measure shows us that we are on the right path in supporting Romanian production," stated Minister Florin-Ionuț BARBU.

Through DR-22, investments other than those mentioned above are financed up to 7,000,000 euros/project for establishment, and up to 3,000,000 euros/project for modernization of processing units. The non-repayable funding is maximum 65% of the total eligible project costs.

The investment projects submitted on the official website of the Rural Investment Financing Agency (www.afir.ro) in this session propose funding for the construction and equipping of conditioning, storage, and processing units, investments in internal infrastructure and utilities.

At the same time, expenses will be covered for ensuring hygiene conditions and technological flow, expenses related to marketing the obtained products (equipment for labeling, packaging of products), expenses related to the commercialization of products.




