The EU is investing €897 million in new projects that will play a crucial role in promoting the ambitions and commitments outlined in the Green Deal, contributing to the sustainable transformation of the economy and society, reports Ag-press.eu.
These projects will contribute to the sustainable transformation of the EU's economy and society in the fields of food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and the environment.
Funded through Horizon Europe, it is expected that the 135 new projects will play a crucial role in promoting the ambitions and commitments of the European Union outlined in the EU Green Deal.
They will reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse biodiversity loss, and better manage natural resources, while ensuring food and water security.
The EU's action plan for the circular economy, the EU action plan for zero pollution, the EU strategy action plan for the bioeconomy, EU soil, EU biodiversity, EU forests, and EU farm-to-fork strategies are among the EU policies and strategies that these EU-funded projects will support through their innovative and sustainable solutions.
The projects have signed grant agreements with the European Commission. Some of them have already started their research, while others will begin soon. (Photo: Freepik)