Using the grain analyzer




As reported by FutureFarming, the CropScan 3300H cereal analyzer provides real-time data on protein, moisture, oil, starch, and fiber for wheat, barley, rapeseed, corn, soy, and other cereals and oilseeds directly from the combine.

In combination

The CropScan 3300H cereal analyzer now fits John Deere X9 combines. CropScanAg has designed a new installation kit for the X9.

The new kit includes a special mounting bracket to pass over the seam, which is now part of the clean grain elevator of the X9. An extra-long fiber optic cable has been designed to connect the CropScan 3300H probe head mounted on the outside of the clean grain elevator and the CropScan 3300H NIR spectrometer mounted inside the combine cab.

Up to 240 samples are scanned for each tank or load of grain or oilseeds as they are harvested.

By combining data on proteins and yield from the combine, a new set of field data layers is available to help farmers manage the quality and quantity of their crops and develop variable-rate nitrogen fertilization applications for the next harvest.

A business connection

CropScanAg has established an API connection between the John Deere Operations Center and the CropScanAg Cloud. The API allows for automatic uploading of boundary files to the CropScan 3300H touch screen computer inside the combine cab. Yield data from the John Deere Operations Center will also be uploaded directly to the CropScanAg Cloud in the coming months.

As a result, farmers will have a single location to capture all on-farm field data collected during harvest. CropScan 3300H users have free access to the portal to download their data files.

The CropScanAg N-GAUGE Harvest Manager app and the Nutrient Manager apps will allow farmers to view and manage harvest data directly from their smartphones or tablets. The N-GAUGE Harvest Manager offers a virtual cloud storage system where quality data, such as protein, moisture, and oil for each tank or load, are recorded and then tracked as grains are moved from the combine to the field container to the silo and to the client's silo.

View field maps on smart devices

Farmers and their agronomists can also view all field maps for protein, moisture, oil, yield, and quotas directly on their smart devices. N-GAUGE Nutrient Manager is an advanced module that uses proprietary algorithms to calculate and display performance data for each field on a smart device.

These performance maps include protein/yield correlation, nitrogen removal, potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur, nitrogen use efficiency, and water use efficiency.

Variable rate fertilization prescriptions can be generated directly from the Nutrient Manager app and then posted in the John Deere Operations Center for download to sprayers, spreaders, or seeders.

Better nitrogen management

According to CropScanAg, the combine analyzer and CropScanAg N-GAUGE apps provide John Deere users with a closed-loop solution for managing cereals on-farm and off-farm and for improving yields through better nitrogen management.

With rising fertilizer and combine costs, the CropScan 3300H provides a 20-30% annual return on investment.




