The Applicant's Guide for the DR-37 intervention - Knowledge Transfer within the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027 (CAP SP 2027) has been published on the official website of the Agency for Rural Investment Financing - www.afir.ro.
Funds allocated through the DR-37 intervention are in the form of standard unit costs awarded for the reimbursement of eligible expenses within projects carried out by professional training providers, the direct beneficiaries of this funding.
Professional training providers, which can be entities or public and private consortia active in the field of professional training, and that meet all eligibility conditions, must register online in the Register of eligible providers of professional training services (the register will be available on www.afir.ro through a separate application).
Within the DR-37 intervention, three variants of Standard Unit Costs (SUC) are eligible, namely for face-to-face meetings with accommodation (SUC - A), with a value of €94/person/day, for face-to-face meetings without accommodation (SUC - B), with a value of €67/person/day, and for online meetings (SUC - C), with a value of €21/person/day.
These costs include, as applicable, the standard unit cost for training experts, the implementation team, transportation, accommodation, meals, conference room, consumables and support materials, and indirect expenses.
For the first selection call launched within this intervention, with a financial allocation of €1.8 million, two professional training domains were proposed, namely the "Eco-Scheme" domain - mandatory, targeting farmers who will be trained, especially the beneficiaries of schemes financed under Pillar I of the CAP for climate, environment, and animal welfare - and the domain of "Knowledge in the field of environment, climate, and resource efficiency on farms", addressing the beneficiaries of agri-environment and climate, and organic farming funding. These beneficiaries must acquire detailed information about farming methods and practices compatible with environmental protection, maintenance, and improvement of traditional landscapes, pollution reduction resulting from agricultural activities (reduction of water and soil pollution, reduction of GHG emissions, soil erosion protection, biodiversity conservation, and adaptation to the effects of climate change).
These professional training courses are not subject to the provisions of Article 21 of Government Ordinance no. 129/2000 on the authorization of providers of adult professional training, and they will have a duration of 3 days (24 hours) for the "Eco-Scheme" domain and 5 days (40 hours) for both training domains.
For preparing the documentation required for submitting funding applications, applicants have at their disposal the Applicant's Guide and its annexes, available on the official website of the Agency www.afir.ro, in the Financing section.