The Agency for Financing Rural Investments has published on www.afir.ro, for public consultation, the Applicant's Guide for intervention DR-36 "LEADER Local Development Led by the Community" – component F "Support for managing, monitoring, and evaluating the local development strategy, as well as its animation, including facilitating exchanges between stakeholders," with funding from the Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027.
The public debate for this document lasts for 10 calendar days from the date of publication on the site. Thus, all interested parties can submit proposals or observations regarding the Applicant's Guide subject to public debate until July 19, 2024, at the email address [email protected].
The eligible beneficiaries for the funding granted through DR-36 are Local Action Groups (LAGs), and the support provided is 100% non-reimbursable.
The funding under this component is granted for the operating costs and animation activities of the Local Action Groups selected and authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through the General Directorate for Rural Development – Managing Authority for the Strategic Plan for the programming period 2023 – 2027.