

AFIR: Conditions for accessing European funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery



In order to launch the funding application session, the Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR) has published on the official website,, the final version of the Applicant's Guide for measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings", component 4.1.1, which finances simple acquisitions of agricultural machinery.

In this year's session, projects classified as acquisitions of agricultural machinery for sugar beet cultivation will benefit from a distinct allocation - the allocated funds will be specified in the launch announcement of the call.

Through package 4.1.1, projects for simple acquisitions of agricultural machinery can be submitted if the holding includes field crops, including fodder crops for animal feed and technical plants, as well as horticultural crops, including those in protected areas.

Applicants must pay special attention to the appropriate sizing of the machinery fleet, in accordance with the annex to the Applicant's Guide regarding the correlation of machine power with farm area for the acquisition of agricultural machinery, posted on AFIR's website.

The intensity of the support provided starts at 30% and can reach a maximum of 90%, depending on the economic size of the holding, the type of beneficiary, and the investments to be made through the project.

The value of non-repayable financing ranges from 350,000 euros to 1,500,000 euros (for cooperatives, producer groups, and producer organizations) depending on the economic size of the holding and the type of beneficiary.




