The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) has completed the first stage of the major project "Increasing the coverage and inclusion of the property registration system in rural areas of Romania," with the code SMIS 120063. This project falls under Priority Axis 11 - "Geographical expansion of the property registration system in cadastre and land register," financed through the Operational Regional Program (POR) 2014-2020. According to Law No. 338/2023, the project, which involves the complete cadastre of 660 rural administrative-territorial units (ATUs) in 40 counties, has been phased.
Therefore, the cadastre implementation with European funds will continue from January 1, 2024, with the project being included in the Smart Growth, Digitization, and Financial Instruments Program (PCIDIF) for 2021-2027.
To date, ANCPI, a public institution under the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDLPA), has completed the free registration in the cadastre and land register records of properties in 98 communes. In another 459 ATUs, systematic registration works are underway, and 92 are in the auction procedure.
The completion of property registration in these communes has effects on the development of agriculture, infrastructure, urban planning projects, the construction of schools, hospitals, attracting investments, as well as creating a realistic taxation base.
The major project "Increasing the coverage and inclusion of the property registration system in rural areas of Romania" complements the objective of the National Cadastre and Land Register Program (PNCCF) by carrying out systematic registration works for properties in 660 communes, covering a total area of 5,758,314 hectares.
The total value of the project is 312,891,115 euros, of which 265,957,448 euros represent non-reimbursable external funds from the European Union, and the difference represents co-financing from ANCPI's own revenues.
ANCPI signed the financing contract for the major project with MDLPA and the Regional Development Agencies North-East, South-East, South-Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, West, North-West, and Center on September 26, 2018.
The project's goal is to stimulate rural economy, encourage social growth and development, facilitate infrastructure development, and promote social inclusion by improving the coverage and inclusion of the integrated cadastre and land register system in rural areas of Romania.
For more information about the project "Increasing the coverage and inclusion of the property registration system in rural areas of Romania," you can visit http://www.ancpi.ro/index.php/proiecte-3/por-2014-2020.