The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) initiates the funding, from its own revenues, of the cadastral surveying works within the National Cadastre and Land Book Program (PNCCF).
The beneficiaries of these works are the communes, towns, and municipalities interested in carrying out cadastral surveying works.
The Order of the General Director of ANCPI regarding the Procedure and method of allocating funds, as well as reporting by beneficiaries on the status of implementation of cadastral surveying works for the purpose of automatic registration of the properties included in these plans have been published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I, no. 356/16.04.2024.
ANCPI, a public institution under the subordination of the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDLPA), finances the cadastral surveying works, according to art. 9, para. (341) of Law no. 7/1996 on cadastre and real estate publicity, based on a multi-annual financing contract.
The works will be coordinated by the local commissions for the restitution of agricultural properties and will unfold similarly to the systematic registration process of properties, culminating in the automatic registration in new land books of the properties included in the cadastral plan.
According to the Procedure, if a local administrative-territorial unit (UAT) wishes to finance the cadastral surveying works, it submits the funding request to the land registry and real estate office (OCPI) within its jurisdiction.
The financing contract between the UAT and OCPI will be concluded for a period of up to 28 months, within the approved and communicated amounts by ANCPI. The Municipality is responsible for the manner of awarding public procurement contracts and concluding them with service providers.
The amount with which ANCPI finances the cadastral surveying works is a maximum of 109 lei + VAT/land book, to which, for lands located in rural areas, the coefficients of land difficulty categories are added.
For lands located in the built-up areas of communes, the amount of 109 lei + VAT/land book is increased by a coefficient of 2.6, for lands located in the built-up areas of towns, municipalities, and county seats, by a coefficient of 3.1, and for lands located in the built-up areas of localities in Ilfov County and Bucharest, by a coefficient of 3.5.
For properties located in the areas covered by Decree-Law no. 115/1938, the amounts resulting from the application of the mentioned coefficients are increased by 1.4.
In the case of properties with unidentified owners, ANCPI will reimburse 10% of the contracted price for a property, and for properties with unidentified owners representing the reserve of the local land fund commission, ANCPI will reimburse 50% of the contracted price for a property. The Procedure comes into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette. (Photo: Dreamstime)