

APIA: Get Annual Agricultural Annuity Visa




APIA (Agricultural Payments and Intervention Agency) announces that, in order to receive the agricultural life annuity for the year 2022, annuitants must request an annual visa by August 31, 2023. They can do this either by physically going to the APIA county centers or by using electronic means of communication or mail/courier.

For electronic visa, annuitants will need to submit the necessary documents for visa approval to the email address of the respective APIA county center where they are registered and then contact APIA officials by phone to receive confirmation of the visa approval.

The documents that annuitants must present when submitting their visa applications in person or through an authorized representative/guardian/curator are:

  • Agricultural life annuity book;
  • Identification document of the applicant;
  • Decision from the medical expertise commission - for pensioners due to illness (grades I or II) / decision from the medical expertise commission and retirement decision at legal age - for pensioners due to illness (grades I or II) whose disability pension becomes a retirement pension at legal age;
  • Notarized power of attorney/curatorship/final and irrevocable court decision proving that the applicant is the legal guardian of the agricultural annuitant, in original, only for cases where the visa for the agricultural life annuity is requested by a legal representative;
  • Lease agreement/agreements concluded before September 30, 2011, in compliance with the provisions of the Leasing Law no. 16/1994*), with subsequent modifications and completions, or concluded after October 1, 2011, in compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code;
  • Bank account statement in the name of the agricultural annuitant, opened at any bank in Romania, in Romanian currency (optional);
  • Declaration for obtaining the annual visa according to the model in the Annex to the Methodological Norms for the Implementation of the "Title XI Agricultural Life Annuity" provisions of Law no. 247/2005 on property and justice reform, as well as some related measures, approved by Order no. 1272/2005.

Information for heirs of annuitants:

In the event of the annuitant's death, the annuity due to the annuitant until the date of death can be collected by the heirs, provided that the provisions of Article 8 of Law no. 247/2005 Title XI are respected. To claim the annuity, heirs must submit, to any APIA Center, by the deadline of October 15, 2023, an inheritance request accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • Deceased annuitant's annuity book (mandatory in original);
  • Copy of the death certificate;
  • Copy of the document proving the status of heir (inheritance certificate or certificate of heir quality, certificate of legatee, final court decision of succession with the formula "definitive");
  • Copy of the heir's ID card/passport;
  • Authorization/notarized declaration showing the agreement of the other heirs regarding the request and collection of the agricultural life annuity owed to the annuitant (original);
  • Bank account statement in the name of the heir.

As the agricultural life annuity book is a document that must be submitted in its original form, this type of application can be submitted at the APIA county center or sent by mail/courier.

The payment of the agricultural life annuity, according to the provisions of Article 6(1) and (2) of Law no. 247/2005 Title XI, is made in a single annual installment by November 30, 2023, through postal money order or bank transfer.


  • Law no. 247/2005 on property and justice reform, as well as some related measures, Title XI Agricultural Life Annuity, with subsequent modifications and completions;
  • Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development and the Minister of Public Finance no. 1272/26503/2005 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the Implementation of the Title XI "Agricultural Life Annuity" provisions of Law no. 247/2005 on property and justice reform, as well as some related measures, with subsequent modifications and completions.




