

APIA and AFIR made new payments of over 27.9 million euros




The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) made payments for the 2023 application year totaling 88,945,326.97 lei (17,883,849.80 euros), from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF).

The interventions paid in this installment are related to PD-01 – BISS, PD-02 – CRISS, PD-03 – CIS-YF, PD-04, PD-05, PD-06, PD-21, PD-22, PD-23, PD-24, and PD-25.

Additionally, on April 19, 2024, the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) made payments for the 2023 application year totaling 37,498,450.16 lei (7,539,679.15 euros), as follows:

37,468,731.49 lei (7,533,674.77 euros) from National Transitional Aid (NTA).

29,718.67 lei (6,004.38 euros) from the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI).

The interventions paid in this installment are related to plant NTA (NTA 1 and NTA 6), animal NTA (ANTZ 7, ANTZ 8, and ANTZ 9), Measure 10 (Package 1), and Measure 11 (Sub-measure 11.1 – Package 1, 3, 6 and Sub-measure 11.2 – Package 1, 3, 4).

It is recalled that for the 2023 Campaign, payments for interventions financed from EAGF and NTA are made in lei, at the exchange rate of 4.9735 lei/euro, and payments for measures/interventions financed from EAFRD at the exchange rate of 4.9495 lei/euro.


Regarding the beneficiaries of European funds granted through the Agency for Financing Rural Investments, they received non-repayable funds totaling 2,671,606.06 euros (13,219,429.68 lei) in their accounts.

Through the payments made in the payment installment of April 19, 2024, the Agency for Financing Rural Investments has reimbursed commitments for environmental and climate measures.

Out of this amount, 1.95 million euros is paid from EAFRD – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and 311,000 euros from EURI – European Union Recovery Instrument.

The difference, namely 403,000 euros, represents the contribution from the National Budget. Non-repayable public funds are granted following the verification and authorization for payment by the AFIR experts of the expenses incurred, based on the payment requests received from the public and private beneficiaries of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), in accordance with the concluded financing contracts, as well as the commitments undertaken.




