

Workshop on "Good practices in organic agriculture"



The National Rural Development Network (RNDR) within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) organized a workshop in Cluj-Napoca on the theme "Best Practices in Organic Farming".

The event brought together numerous operators registered in the organic farming system, including farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers of organic products, along with partners from operational groups funded through the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR).

In the opening of the event, representatives from the RNDR Support Unit presented information on the actions undertaken by the rural network to promote examples of best practices and to increase the level of interconnection among actors interested in rural development and agriculture, as well as the activities planned within the new programming period.

In this context, Viorel Morărescu, Director of the Policy Directorate in the Plant Sector (DPSV) within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) and ambassador of organic farming in Romania, presented the programs developed by MADR to support the organic sector. He also highlighted the development pace of the sector, providing data that reveals the constant growth in the number of operators in organic farming.

"Organic farming is an agricultural production system that emphasizes the use of sustainable practices, respecting principles such as the conservation of natural resources, promotion of biodiversity, and elimination of the use of synthetic chemicals.

The organic production sector is among the most dynamic fields in the EU and Romania, experiencing significant expansion over the past ten years in response to growing consumer demand.

A significant contribution to the development of the sector has been made by the programs developed and implemented by MADR, both with funding from the state budget and from European funds," said Viorel Morărescu.

The main discussion topics at the workshop focused on best practices regarding innovation in organic farming, perspectives on the sustainable development of organic orchards, and organic practices in the livestock sector in the North-West region.

On the second day of the event, operators registered in organic farming visited the Silvania Agricultural Cooperative Organic Farms, where they had the opportunity to learn detailed information about the organization and operation of the cooperative and the steps followed in creating the short food supply chain in integrated organic production.

The Silvania Agricultural Cooperative Organic Farms cultivate 2,200 hectares of land organically for their 2,000 dairy cows. The agri-food chain is integrated, starting from seed, cereal production, simple processing, and ending with the finished product that reaches store shelves. Thus, the producer has total control over the quality of its products, which are organically certified by the control body approved by MADR. (Photo: MADR)




