According to MADR, the government has adopted the Decision for amending and supplementing Government Decision no. 1571/2022 regarding the establishment of the general framework for the implementation of interventions related to the plant and animal sectors within the Strategic Plan for CAP 2023-2027, financed from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and the state budget.
This normative act establishes the amendment of GD no. 1571/2022 to ensure alignment with the latest version of the CAP 2023-2027, according to the last amendment in 2023, by introducing interventions whose implementation begins in 2024, namely intervention PD-26 - Coupled support for income - Silage corn and intervention PD-27 - Increasing the welfare level of cattle through extensive grazing on pastures under optimal sustainability conditions.
At the same time, the Government Decision aims to:
- clarify certain elements related to the administrative and institutional framework;
- explain certain terms and expressions so that their use within the normative act and subsequently in the implementing acts ensures a high level of understanding by all interested parties;
- amend and supplement the rules regarding payments, the general and specific conditions for accessing interventions in correlation with the provisions of the European regulations applicable under the CAP and the latest version of the CAP 2023-2027;
- ensure flexibility and predictability of the national normative framework, adapted to the new European normative framework applicable to the Common Agricultural Policy regarding the performance, reporting, and monitoring of plan implementation.
The Decision does not affect the total contribution approved by the European Union for the implementation of interventions in the CAP 2023-2027, according to Commission Implementing Decision no. C (2022) 8.783 of December 7, 2022, approving Romania's CAP 2023-2027 Strategic Plan for Union support financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. (Photo: Freepik)