

INS: Agricultural land prices in Romania and in the EU




This press release, intended for first-time distribution, presents statistical data for the year 2022 provided by member states and disseminated by Eurostat, regarding the prices of agricultural land by land use categories, arable land, and permanent pastures.

The data is collected in accordance with a common European methodology that ensures conceptual comparability and uniformity of results.

The average prices of agricultural land refer to the value of one hectare of agricultural land during the reference period (a calendar year).

It should be noted that the level of agricultural land prices depends on several criteria such as national factors (legislation), regional factors (climate and proximity to irrigation networks and systems), and localized/specific productivity factors (soil quality, slope, or drainage).

Average prices of agricultural land in Romania:

  • Using the agreed European methodology, in Romania, in the year 2022, the average price of one hectare of arable land was 39,704 lei/ha.
  • The lowest average price was recorded in the North-East Region, 34,743 lei/ha, while the highest value was recorded in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region, namely 59,263 lei/ha.
  • In 2022, compared to the previous year, Romania recorded an increase of approximately 6.1% in the average price for arable land, with the most significant increase observed in the North-West Region of Romania (+23.5%).

The average price of permanent pastures recorded an increase of approximately 6% in 2022 compared to the previous year, nationwide, with the most significant increase in the North-East Region (+14.9%).

Average prices of agricultural land in the European Union (EU):

  • In 2022, the average price of one hectare of arable land in Europe showed significant variations. According to data available for 19 EU member states in 2022, arable land prices ranged from a minimum average of 3,700 euros in Croatia to a maximum average of 233,230 euros in Malta, while in Romania, the average price was 8,051 euros/ha.
  • The average price of permanent pastures in EU member states in 2022 varied from a minimum of 1,887 euros/ha in Bulgaria to a maximum of 46,305 euros in Luxembourg, while in Romania, the average price was 5,671 euros/ha.




