

MADR continues the garlic production support program in 2023




The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has posted on the institution's website, in the Decisional Transparency section, the draft Government Decision for the approval of the "Minimis Aid for Supporting Garlic Production" scheme, as well as for establishing verification and control measures for it in 2023.

The draft legislation establishes a minimis aid scheme to support garlic production, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1408/2013, which will be implemented by the county agricultural directorates and phytosanitary offices.

The minimis aid scheme for supporting garlic production has been implemented in the period 2019-2022. Continuing the provision of aid regulated by this decision will contribute to ensuring the supply of quality garlic for consumption and achieving both quantitative and qualitative garlic production, aiming to optimize farm operations.

"We are always by the side of farmers, finding solutions to provide them with timely support so that they have predictability and stability in their activities. Extending the provision of this aid will contribute to maintaining and increasing the interest of agricultural producers in garlic cultivation in 2023, particularly in areas with a tradition for this crop, as well as balancing the trade by reducing imports and increasing the production and consumption of Romanian products, thus meeting the consumer's desire for access to fresh local products," said Minister Petre DAEA.

The minimis aid scheme applies throughout the territory of Romania in 2023 to support garlic production. The budgetary impact is 29,700,000 lei, equivalent to a maximum of 6,001,200 euros.

Beneficiaries can be individual agricultural producers, authorized individual agricultural producers, sole proprietorships, family enterprises, and legal entities engaged in agricultural production.

To qualify for minimis aid, beneficiaries must utilize a cultivated area of garlic of at least 3,000 square meters and obtain a minimum yield of 3 kg of garlic per 10 square meters.

The maximum amount of minimis aid is 3,000 euros per hectare, and it is granted proportionally to the actual cultivated area.

Applications must be submitted by May 16, inclusive, and the marketing of the production will take place from June 1 to November 21, inclusive.

Supporting documents, such as copies of daily closure fiscal reports/invoices/pages from the sales book, must be submitted by November 29, inclusive.

The draft normative act can be consulted here https://www.madr.ro/proiecte-de-acte-normative/8124-proiect-hg-ajutor-minimis-usturoi.html




