

Measures to implement the export authorization system of Ukraine for agricultural products




In the Government meeting, an emergency ordinance was adopted regarding the establishment of a mechanism for consultation and coordinated response in the context of Ukraine's introduction of an export authorization system for agricultural products.

This legislative act sets temporary measures for establishing a market agreement in the context of Ukraine's export authorization system for agricultural products, aimed at mitigating immediate negative repercussions in the primary production and processing sectors.

The agricultural products subject to import regulation by this emergency ordinance include:

a) Wheat and meslin;

b) Corn;

c) Rapeseed or wild rapeseed seeds, even crushed;

d) Sunflower seeds, even crushed.

Agricultural products can only be imported based on an agreement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for economic operators with their registered office and workplace(s) in Romania, involved in the following economic sectors:

a) 1041 - Manufacture of oils and fats;

b) 1061 - Milling of grain products;

c) 1091 - Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals;

d) 014 - Animal farming.

The procedure for issuing the agreement is as follows:

I. An economic operator intending to import agricultural products from Ukraine requests the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to issue the agreement, based on presenting a document indicating the necessity to replenish stocks and other required documents as specified in the emergency ordinance.

II. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), based on a report issued by a Commission within the same institution, issues the agreement after validation by the Romanian authorities of the information provided by operators requesting the agreement.

III. The Commission is composed of the following representatives:

a) A representative of the National Tax Administration Agency;

b) A representative of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA);

c) A representative of the Romanian Customs Authority;

d) A representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

e) A representative of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism.

IV. The economic operator presents a product conformity certificate for the agricultural product to be imported, issued by ANSVSA, certifying compliance with sanitary veterinary and food safety standards after testing a sample of the agricultural product.

V. Based on the agreement issued by MADR, the Romanian economic operator concludes a sales contract with a Ukraine-licensed economic operator for the quantity of product specified in the agreement. Subsequently, import operations take place under the supervision of Romanian customs authorities.

VI. The customs seal will be opened at the destination, namely at the registered office or workplace of the Romanian economic operator, in the presence of representatives from the Romanian Customs Authority and ANSVSA.

VII. ANSVSA collects samples from the imported product and verifies whether they match the qualities specified in the conformity certificate. In the event of non-compliance, the products are returned to the place of origin at the exporter's expense.

VIII. Additionally, the legislative act regulates:

  • The sanctions for non-compliance with the provisions of the legislative act;
  • The forms used in the application of the emergency ordinance.

This emergency ordinance applies until December 31, 2023.




