

New investments in combating dangerous weather phenomena



In the Government session, the objectives of the XXIVth annual stage of implementation of the National Anti-Hail and Precipitation Enhancement System Program for the period 2010-2024 were approved, as well as the necessary funds for their implementation. The funds allocated for this stage amount to a total of 68.2 million lei (23.7 million lei from the budget credits and 44.5 million lei from commitment credits).

During this stage, investments will be made at the regional level for the development of the National Anti-Hail and Precipitation Enhancement System (NAHPES) with the aim of expanding the system and increasing the capacity to combat hail falls at the three Regional Coordination Centers - in Muntenia, Moldova, and Transylvania. Additionally, new technologies for active interventions in the atmosphere will be developed, both for combating hail falls and increasing precipitation.

The funds allocated for this year's stage will finance studies, technical projects, execution of works, procurement of equipment, and facilities for establishing new Anti-Hail Combat Groups in the Suceava-Botoșani, Matca, Dâmbovița-Argeș, and Dăbuleni areas.

This year, technological development activities will continue through experimental projects aimed at increasing and homogenizing precipitation, as well as using new technical means, such as ground generators, to combat hazardous weather phenomena.

Scientific research activities in the field of active interventions in the atmosphere will also include the elaboration of an impact study regarding the effect of anti-hail activities on local weather parameters.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Authority for the Administration of the National Anti-Hail and Precipitation Enhancement System, is developing extended and diversified capacities in active atmospheric intervention technology to reduce vulnerabilities of agricultural production and rural communities to hazardous meteorological phenomena associated with climate change, especially hail falls and drought.

The implementation of NAHPES is a measure to support agricultural production as well as to reduce the vulnerabilities of weather-dependent agriculture. Investments in increasing the resilience of the food sector and in the responsible and efficient use of water, energy, and public resources will contribute to expanding protected productive areas against weather hazards.

The National Anti-Hail and Precipitation Enhancement System has been operational since 2005. Each year, through the expansion of the system, operational capacities for protecting agricultural crops, public and private property, utility infrastructure, and rural communities from hazardous meteorological phenomena associated with climate change have increased.

Hail protection, currently active in vineyard, orchard, vegetable, and cereal basins in Muntenia, Moldova, Oltenia, Banat, and central Transylvania, is being expanded to all regions of the country to meet both present needs and future challenges arising from climate change and disruptions in global food trade.

Investment map in NAHPES development: operational launch points in the 2023 hail combat season are highlighted in blue, while the locations of the new launch points to be established starting this year are marked in red. (Photo: MADR)




