The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Agency for Financing Rural Investments, announces the closure of the application session for DR-25 Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure and DR-26 Establishment of Irrigation Systems, interventions financed with non-reimbursable funds from the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.
For this year's session, the financial allocation was 400,000,000 euros for the modernization of irrigation infrastructure (DR-25) and 102,421,176 euros for the establishment of irrigation systems (DR-26).
From the launch of the session until now (the period March 15 - July 15, 2024), 357 financing requests totaling 530,717,784 euros were submitted online at www.afir.ro. The submission rate for the modernization of irrigation infrastructure (DR-25) exceeded the financial allocation, reaching over 130%, indicating a high level of interest from Irrigation Water Users' Organizations (OUAIs).
The maximum funding that can be obtained for the modernization of irrigation systems through DR-25 is 1,500,000 euros per beneficiary, with 100% non-reimbursable public support based on eligible costs.
Simultaneously, through AFIR, the session for receiving funding applications for DR-26 Establishment of Irrigation Systems was held from January 15 - July 15, 2024, with an allocation of 102,421,176 euros. Through DR-26, 48 financing requests totaling 21,045,515 euros were submitted.
We remind that the maximum funding that can be obtained for the establishment of irrigation systems through DR-26 is 500,000 euros per beneficiary, with non-reimbursable public support of 65% of the eligible project costs. (Photo: Pexels)