

More than 550 million euros requested for the modernization and establishment of irrigation systems



The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Agency for Financing Rural Investments, announces the closure of the application session for DR-25 Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure and DR-26 Establishment of Irrigation Systems, interventions financed with non-reimbursable funds from the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

For this year's session, the financial allocation was 400,000,000 euros for the modernization of irrigation infrastructure (DR-25) and 102,421,176 euros for the establishment of irrigation systems (DR-26).

From the launch of the session until now (the period March 15 - July 15, 2024), 357 financing requests totaling 530,717,784 euros were submitted online at The submission rate for the modernization of irrigation infrastructure (DR-25) exceeded the financial allocation, reaching over 130%, indicating a high level of interest from Irrigation Water Users' Organizations (OUAIs).

The maximum funding that can be obtained for the modernization of irrigation systems through DR-25 is 1,500,000 euros per beneficiary, with 100% non-reimbursable public support based on eligible costs.

Simultaneously, through AFIR, the session for receiving funding applications for DR-26 Establishment of Irrigation Systems was held from January 15 - July 15, 2024, with an allocation of 102,421,176 euros. Through DR-26, 48 financing requests totaling 21,045,515 euros were submitted.

We remind that the maximum funding that can be obtained for the establishment of irrigation systems through DR-26 is 500,000 euros per beneficiary, with non-reimbursable public support of 65% of the eligible project costs. (Photo: Pexels)




