Plants culture


Extension of the investment project submission session related to Measure DR15 - Pomology



The Agency for Financing Rural Investments announces the extension by one month of the application submission session for Measure DR-15 Investments in Fruit Farms, an intervention funded through the Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027.

Thus, the new deadline for project submissions through DR-15 in this session is May 31, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

We remind you that, for the current session, the financial allocation is 151,383,527 euros, and submissions are made within the limit of 150% of the allocation. Since the launch of the session (January 8, 2024) until now, 232 funding requests have been submitted online, totaling 149,652,438 euros.

The maximum funding amount for investments in the fruit sector is 1,500,000 euros per project for investments, or up to 300,000 euros for projects proposing only the acquisition of machinery and agricultural equipment. Non-repayable support can reach a maximum of 65% of the total eligible costs.

It is worth mentioning that the monthly quality threshold for the submission stage from May 1 to May 31, 2024, related to DR-15, is 20 points.

For the preparation of the documentation required for submitting the funding application, all interested parties have at their disposal on the website, in the Financing section, the Applicant's Guide and the annexes related to Measure DR-15 – Pomology - NEW AFIR Portal - PS PAC information, Online Submission.




