

The general framework for the implementation of interventions specific to rural development has been established




In the Government meeting, a normative act initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Investments and European Projects was approved, aiming to modify and supplement Government Decision no. 1570/2022 regarding the establishment of the general framework for the implementation of specific rural development interventions included in the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027.

Government Decision no. 1570/2022 establishes the normative framework necessary for the general implementation of rural development interventions included in the Strategic Plan 2023-2027, co-financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) under the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy.

The proposed legislative amendment is justified by the need to ensure an appropriate and efficient framework for the implementation of public funds, both from the state budget and from non-repayable European funds.

The provisions of the draft normative act are elaborated based on the Strategic Plan 2023-2027, within the limits of applicable European regulations, and considering the shared competencies of Romania as a member state of the European Union.

Considering that the Strategic Plan provides for the possibility of applying the multi-fund mechanism with a component related to the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), legislative modification is necessary for effective interinstitutional coherence and coordination in implementing this mechanism.

Thus, Government Decision no. 1570/2022 regarding the establishment of the general framework for the implementation of specific rural development interventions included in the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027 has been modified as follows:

  • Designation of the Managing Authority for the Strategic Plan (MASP) as the structure responsible for the elaboration of the applicant guide and the regulation of the organization and functioning of the evaluation, selection, and resolution of appeals process for Local Development Strategies, documents approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.
  • Approval by order of the Minister of Investments and European Projects, according to the specific conditions of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), of the eligibility criteria, selection, and evaluation criteria.
  • Designation by the Managing Authority for the Inclusion and Social Dignity Program (MA-ISDP) of its representatives in the Joint Selection Committee and the Joint Appeals Resolution Committee, the composition of which is established according to the provisions of the regulation of the organization and functioning of the evaluation, selection, and resolution of appeals process for Local Development Strategies.
  • Approval by order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the nominal composition of the Selection Committee, the Appeals Resolution Committee, the Joint Selection Committee, and the Joint Appeals Resolution Committee.




