According to a statement issued by the Romanian-American Foundation, the situation regarding admission to agricultural high schools for the 2023-2024 school year has been recorded and centralized after the allocation of students in the first admission phase, revealing an overview of admission averages and the occupancy rate of these institutions.
The occupancy rate is 82%, which is similar to that of 2022 (84%), but the number of students who opted for an agricultural high school has increased: 3,414 in 2023 compared to 3,040 in 2022. The occupancy rate of only 82% is explained by the increase of 686 in the number of available seats in 2023.
"Although the occupancy rate has decreased slightly, the fact that a larger number of seats were offered means that agricultural high schools continue to develop and meet the growing needs of students interested in pursuing a career in agriculture.
With the positive outlook for the growth of the agricultural sector in Romania and employment opportunities in the labor market, it is expected that interest in agricultural high schools will increase and provide a conducive environment for future agriculture specialists.
Farmers and agribusiness companies also have an important role to play in developing practice partnerships, mentoring, and scholarships to encourage active involvement of students in modern agricultural activities and demonstrate the potential of a career in this dynamic and essential field for the country," said Crenguța Bărbosu, Senior Manager at World Vision Romania Foundation.
Agriculture remains an essential pillar of the economy, and the demand for specialists in this field is continuously increasing. Contrary to common perception, salaries in the agricultural sector are very competitive, offering career advancement opportunities and contributing to the development of local communities.
Therefore, encouraging young people to pursue a career in agriculture is crucial for ensuring a sustainable future in agriculture.
With updated educational programs and state-of-the-art equipment, agricultural high schools provide students with all the necessary resources to build a successful career in this dynamic field.
The admission situation provides a clear but challenging picture of the path that agricultural education will need to follow in the coming years.