

Support granted to the beekeeping sector




In the Government meeting, the Emergency Ordinance regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme for the partial compensation of losses incurred in the beekeeping sector in 2023, in the context of the crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, was adopted.

This normative act aims to establish a temporary state aid scheme for the partial compensation of losses incurred in the beekeeping sector in 2023, in the context of the crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

The total value of the aid scheme is 59,866,000 lei, equivalent to the amount of 12,034,334 euros, and the proposed amount for the state aid is 25 lei, or 5 euros per beehive family. The estimated number of beehive families is 2,395,856. The euro/lei exchange rate for calculating the maximum total value/amount is the one communicated by the National Bank of Romania on December 29, 2023, namely 4.9746 lei/euro.

The total amount that can be granted to each enterprise engaged in primary agricultural production shall not exceed the lei equivalent of 280,000 euros.

To be eligible for financial support, beekeepers must meet the following eligibility conditions:

- Have bee families registered in the national beekeeping database managed by the National Agency for Zootechnics "Prof. Dr. G.K. Constantinescu", through the County Offices for Zootechnics, according to the provisions of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Order no. 251/2017, with subsequent amendments and completions, in beekeeping farms/ apiaries authorized by the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA);

- Have bee families in beekeeping farms/ apiaries registered/ authorized by the sanitary-veterinary authorities on the date of submitting the application;

- Not be in liquidation or bankruptcy on February 24, 2022, according to the records of the National Trade Register Office, or in the case of natural persons, there should be no final court decision declaring bankruptcy by February 24, 2022.

The beneficiaries can be:

- Beekeepers, natural persons holding a producer certificate issued under Law no. 145/2014 for the establishment of certain measures to regulate the market for agricultural products, with subsequent amendments and completions, valid on the date of submitting the application;

- Beekeepers, authorized natural persons, individual enterprises, and family enterprises, established according to the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 44/2008 on the conduct of economic activities by authorized natural persons, individual enterprises and family enterprises, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 182/2016, with subsequent amendments and completions, as well as agricultural companies established under Law no. 36/1991 on agricultural companies and other forms of association in agriculture, with subsequent amendments and completions;

- Beekeepers, legal entities.




