The government has approved the Government Decision amending paragraph (5) of Article 81 of the Methodological Norms for the Implementation of Land Improvement Law no. 138/2004, approved by Government Decision no. 1872/2005.
By approving this normative act, the method of reimbursing expenses, up to 50%, related to electricity consumption is established.
These funds are necessary for the operation of aggregates or irrigation equipment, which are covered from the state budget, expenses recorded in the previous year and unpaid, from the amounts allocated for the following year.
In this way, depending on the maximum value of the annual ceiling allocated for this purpose, the procedure for approval, by order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, of the quota of up to 50% is established, without limiting it to the current year, creating the possibility of reimbursing expenses from the previous year from the budget allocated for the following year.
The legislative solution regarding the reimbursement for the year 2023 from the budget allocated for the year 2024 takes into account the economic recovery of producers, following the lack of financial resources necessary to continue agricultural activities and the risk of being unable to pay debts to suppliers, salaries, credits, utilities, on the due dates.
Thus, by reimbursing the expenses related to electricity consumption for irrigation for the year 2023, the aim is to reduce the effects of the drought phenomenon on agricultural production, as well as to reduce the impact on the following agricultural year. (Photo: Freepik)