In the municipality of Bacău, the third edition of the conference "Online Marketing Training CoopNet 3.0 - Increasing the Capacity of Small Farmers' Cooperatives" took place, as reported by ANZM.
The event brought together representatives of agricultural cooperatives and representatives of the "Civitas" Foundation to discuss ways to increase the capacity of cooperative development and initiate projects that bring added value to the mountainous area through collaboration with all stakeholders involved.
The conference was attended by Mr. Mariann Kinga Arkosi, coordinator, Gabriel Postolache, County coordinator at "Clean Schools," the president of the Stupinele Bistriței Beekeeping Cooperative, the administrator of Nest Hub - Community & Coworking, Anamaria Statulescu, the executive director of the "Farmer's Well-being" Agricultural Cooperative Buzău, Adriana Baciu, president of Agrobob Agricultural Cooperative Cluj, Robert Zaminisciuc, president of the "Probota Vegetables" Cooperative, Florescu Mihaela Veronica, representative of the Crivățul de Sud-Est Local Action Group, Iacob Negrușer, president of the "Cajvana will Rise Again" Agricultural Cooperative.
The National Mountain Area Agency was represented by Ms. Moroșan Pocol Roxana Alice, advisor at the Gilău Mountain Development Office.
The institution's activities were presented, and the process of obtaining certification for the optional "Mountain Product" scheme was explained, as well as the concept of Local Gastronomic Points and professional training programs.